
Monday, March 28, 2005

Our current flat with snow. Posted by Hello

Hampton Court Palace, very impressive. Posted by Hello

Still cute Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Guard at Downing Street Posted by Hello

Westminster Abbey Posted by Hello

Kinght? Posted by Hello

Big Ben & Houses of Parliment Posted by Hello

The Tower Bridge Posted by Hello

So cute Posted by Hello

Sunday 27 March 2005

Here are some snaps of our trip to St Pauls, Tower of London and Madam Tusauds Wax Museum. Once we buy a camera cord, it will be eaiser for us to send photos. We will post some more once we get back from France.

All has been going well. We move into our new flat on Tuesday 5 April. The new address is
127 Bravington Road,
Queens Park,
W9 3AT.
We will post our new number when we find out what it is.

We were both there, after 552 stairs Posted by Hello

What a view from the top of St Pauls Posted by Hello

We are all just kids at heart. It had to be done Posted by Hello

The Tower of London  Posted by Hello

My idols Posted by Hello

We must all work together in this crisis we face Posted by Hello

Thinking its all relative Posted by Hello

Madam Tusauds Posted by Hello

Mike at St Paul's Posted by Hello

Suzie at St Paul's Posted by Hello

View from the top of St Pauls Posted by Hello

Friday, March 25, 2005

Easter weekend

Well we have not been able to down load our photos as we have misplaced our camera cable. Anyway we are going to visist Susans friend Julie this weekend in Bromley, should be good to catch up with them. Then we are heading off to France on Tuesday for 8 days. Four in Paris and 3 in Sancerre which is a small town 2 hours south from Paris. It just happens to be very close to a golf course which we will just have to visit. We also will be visiting the local winery for a tour.

We have just moved some of our gear to our new flat just around the corner, which we move into when we get back from France.

We hope to buy a cable soon so we can download our photos for you all to see, even the ones from Paris.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Saturday 12 March 2005

Hello everyone

We have just opened up this new website so we can update our news and post some photos of our travel for all to view without having to take up screeds of space on your email accounts. All you need to do is visit this website every so often to check what we have been up to and have a look at our pics.